Weekly goals:
5 more annotated bibliography entries, including a print source. (College Prep.)
Total College Prep entries: 10
7 more annotated bibliography entries, including a print source. (Honors) Total entries: 12
All classes: Have an interview set up or completed.
This week you need to post your project proposal to edmodo. (Use the "reply" function rather than "turn it in.") Comment on the proposals of three other people in your group by end of the day Tuesday for points.
Just a reminder: On Monday, you'll be getting up in front of the class to read aloud or explain your project proposal. Points are for participation only. It's OK if you need to read directly off your sheet at this point, but take this opportunity to practice given a presentation.
This week I'll be giving you sheets to help you set up your interviews. (They're also available on edmodo.) You'll need to keep on researching and coming up with sources, including one print resource. I'll be checking bibliographic entries Friday at the end of class, which is when they're due.
If you are struggling or have questions, please see me either during the day or after school so that I can help you. Falling behind doesn't have to happen because I want you to do well and will help you every step of the way. :)