Welcome to 7th grade ELA! Mrs. Giarrusso and I look forward to a year of creativity, lively writing, and interesting discussions and reading.
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are literature circle days, while Tuesdays and Thursdays are writing journal days. On reading days, you’ll read for 20 minutes silently, then complete an entry in your reading log. Every Friday we’ll do a book discussion group. On writing days, you’ll write for 20 minutes, sometimes by yourself, sometimes with a partner.
Each day, when you come in to class, your job is to copy down the day’s homework (from the front board) in your planner. We’ll come around and sign it, so be sure to leave it out until we sign it.
You will have homework each day, except Fridays. Doing your homework is an easy way to keep your grade up, and it will help you with whatever we are working on in class.
If you miss class and have internet access, you can check the day’s work and homework on this page. If you (or your parent or guardian) would like weekly updates, you can subscribe to the page by typing your email address into the box on the upper right called "Follow by Email."
To be successful, come to class each day with:
a pen or pencil
your planner
your English binder
Our classroom guidelines:
Treat others with respect.
Allow the teacher to teach.
Allow other students to learn.
Be a good audience for whomever is addressing the class.
For classroom behavior, we use a check system in class. (Each check is 10 minutes of detention. You will receive a warning first.) If you feel there has been a misunderstanding, please speak with me or Mrs. Giarrusso in private (during on-task time in class or before/after class). We want you to be successful and have a positive, interesting year!